1st Start of Valentine Gram Sale
10th Valentine Gram Orders Due 13th 2nd Semester Extra-Curricular Form Due 14th Valentine’s Day (Wear Jeans & Valentine’s Shirt) 17th School Closed in Observance of President’s Day 20th School Tour for Families applying for 2024-25 21st Truck Day 27th Picture Retakes & 8th Grade Cap and Gown 28th 100 Days of School Celebration 28th Candy Land Dance for 1st- 4th Grade ![]() REGISTRATION FOR The 2025-2026 School Year is Now Open
Registration forms were sent home to your email. We are interviewing students for the 2025-2026 school year and we recommend that you secure your child’s spot as soon as possible. Highpoint Tuition is Tax DeductibleYour tuition for Highpoint Academy, tutoring and payments for OT and Speech are eligible for tax deduction as a clinical school. Simply download the letter from the link above with instructions for your accountant.
Highpoint Coral Way Campus Contact Information
School Address: 9850 SW 24 St. | Miami, Fl. 33165 School Phone: (305) 552-0208 Dr. Gigi De Villiers – Program Director [email protected] (786) 346-4272 Ms. Angie Fernandez – Administrative Assistant [email protected] (786) 393-3876 8th GRADE DRADUATION
Sunday June 1st at 3:00 PM Wertheim Performing Arts Center FIU 10910 SW 17th St, Miami 33172 |
Parents may bring their child a cake during lunch time on their birthday. Please notify the Homeroom Teacher in advance if you plan to do so.
Congratulations to our 2025 Star StudentsBoth Sofia and Isabella demonstrate excellence in school, and always have a positive attitude. They will be recognized at a ceremony later this month.
100 Emotions to Celebrate our 100th Day of School!
Friday February 28th Dress up as your favorite emotion from the movie “Inside Out” and participate in fun activities. Complete details will be sent home. Order Valentine Grams for your Friends, Teachers, and Family! Only $2 Each. Proceeds benefit the 8th Grade Class
Cost: $2.00 Orders Due: February 10th Grams will be delivered on Wed Feb 14th 2nd Semester Extra-Curricular Classes
Classes begin the week of February 17 and run for 10 Sessions. The form can be downloaded from the portal. Forms and payments are due on February 13th. SCHOOL TOUR FOR INCOMING STUDENTS
If you know of families who are interested in enrolling their child at Highpoint for the 2025-2026 school year, we will be offering an Open House Tour on Thursday February 20th Parents must register online at: www.highpointacademycoralwaycampus.com 2024-2025 Calendar of EventsThe Calendar of Events for the 2024-2025 school year is published to help our families plan accordingly. Please note events which include parent participation as well as Early Release Days.
Students must be in school at 8:30 AM. The school gate will close at 8:45 AM. Students with an unexcused tardy will not be allowed in class. You must notify the front office or homeroom teacher 24 hours in advance if the student will be late due to a medical appointment. If student will be late due to an emergency situation, you must notify the school or homeroom teacher before 9:45 am. Excessive Absences and Tardies during the school year may result in the student not being promoted to the next grade.
Mon and Wed: PE Uniforms
Tues and Thurs: School Uniform Fri: Jeans and school shirt Sweaters: Students can only wear the maroon school sweaters, jackets and sweat–shirts. If the weather is cool on PE days, students may wear maroon sweat-pants. Dont's